Senin, 16 November 2009

My Opinion

I think this poverty problem is very very important, especially for the world economy. This is why we have to donate poor people so that people not suffer about them life and job. also you known about this statement " poor people can live only $ 1.25 each day." in that statement poor people in the world can live just 1.25 dollar each day but we need to buy another needs for example clothing education and etc. Why we have to so mean with poor people? we must donate them, we can give them a job, clothes, books, education, money, etc. So please donate them although it just a little.

Minggu, 08 November 2009

How'd we can help?

By giving donation such as form of money not the only way to donate, we may donate clothes, books, food, and etc. By giving that things poverty people can happy cause, they relize that people around are care about there problem. In my school have a activity that help poverty people by donating such as the earthquake in Sumatra, we have donate by collecting money from each student that care about this incident. So please donate if you is really care about poor people that should be help by us.

Minggu, 01 November 2009

Poverty Facts

There are some parties that help poverty people such as Make Poverty History, UNICEF and other kind of parties. This some party facts Despite unprecedented global prosperity, a staggering 40 per cent of all children in developing countries – over half a billion – are struggling to survive on less than $1 per day. Poverty is the main underlying cause of millions of preventable child deaths each year. It is the cause of tens of millions of children going hungry, missing out on school or being forced into child labour. Poverty causes lifelong damage to children's minds and bodies, perpetuating the cycle of poverty across generations. This is why poverty reduction must begin with the protection and realization of the human rights of children. Investments in children are the best guarantee for achieving equitable and sustainable human development. This document describes how children bear the brunt of poverty and explains why they are central to poverty reduction. It illustrates how UNICEF's efforts contribute to poverty reduction and the fulfilment of human rights.

Nowdays Poverty

Nowdays poverty is one of the serious problem in the world. For example is in Africa that many of the people there was poor and hard to found a daily food. In the Africa, its difficult to looking for food, they have poor environtment such as the dryness of the environtment so people there searching for a animal that can be eaten wheather the animal is like lizard and other reptile. Kids in Africa was very pity it because that many of the not educated well and many of them don’t have parent and people who protect the kids.
That is a quote that is “every ten second they are some one die cause of hunger”. We can know from that quote that many people die because of hunger. So the issue is About 25,000 people die every day of hunger or hunger-related causes, according to the United Nations. This is one person every three and a half seconds, as you can see on this display. Unfortunately, it is children who die most often.

Poverty Isuess

In this economical crisis our world need help for poverty problem. I’ve been research from internet many kids had malnutrition problem, based on the information six toddler have just weight 8 - 9kg although that the usual weight is 1 5- 20kg. Lots of people in the world are Hungry so they’d had not enough eat and many of them died because hunger. Because of the Hunger problem there is 60 years old, old man died because of the hunger and no one was paying attention even though there family.